“Artemis is a Greek goddess, goddess of the hunt and the moon. In The Bible, Artemis is Paul’s best friend. Artemis is a three musketeer. Artemis is also the god of war. Artemis is Jim West’s partner in Wild Wild West. It’s a sword, named Artemis, in the God of War video game of Kratos. Artemis was a weapon for the Dante character in the Devil May Cry game made by Capcom. That’s pretty much what I know so far.

See the thing is, my mother couldn’t think of a name. So she just asked my uncle to name me, and that’s the name he thought of. Out of the blue, that’s the name he thought of. And ever since then, it’s stuck with me. But I didn’t know my name was Artemis until I reached a certain age because my mother found it challenging to say Artemis. So Ar-tee-mus was easier. Artemis was too challenging. So at the age of 12, I found out that my name is Artemis. Same spelling, just different ways of pronouncing it.

I love music. Jay-Z, Kanye West, Beyoncé. All. Maroon 5. Love hip-hop. Love rock. I love intricate music. Music that helps meditation. What makes it that way: the sounds, the quality, the vibration of it. It has to have, you know, instruments – the flute, piano, guitar. Those things. That’s what we all love as humans, as people. There’s times where I’ve been to the orchestra here on Michigan. And, to hear them live play the violin – rich. That’s what I love about music.

I do do music full-time. Just knowing what it does for people, it keeps me doing it full-time. Like a hero. A super-hero. Never puts up the cape, but keeps it on. I write and compose music. All types. It can be times, where I feel like I need to make a rock song to help get a point across – although all sounds of music can help get a point of music. Or, I might feel like making a party song. Hip-hop helps introduce the times of parties. And also, it’s good with storytelling. It’s more so what one feels with the flow. That’s always the origin. Like sitting right here, feeling the wind, looking at the water, seeing children play, I’m actually thinking about a song that I wrote. And the song that I wrote was about true love. But nature, life, essence inspires themes.

Favorite song that I wrote is called Truly Found Love. I like that one because it actually talks about finding true love. It talks about what I think we’re all here for. Good, enjoyable habitation, co-habitation. Enjoying just being with someone, a companion, friendship. And to hear it expressed verbally on the grounds of it being an ensemble or a song, it’s what keeps the flow motivated, and keeps the flow of love inspired and enjoyable.

What’s challenging about writing and composing music is making sure that it’s delivered and given well to those that us. Because it’s putting a story in a format where it can be heard, and people can listen to, and it’s telling everything that needs to be heard within the time frame. It’s all about how I word it. How one words it. It’s no different if like someone’s going out of town, and they have to tell someone they love them before they miss their flight. Knowing exactly what to say in that moment, within those moments, because that’s when it’s meaningful.

Performing arts is my passion. [In] Performance, the audience have the joy and delight of hearing the melodies of art – Artemis. Drama, being theatrical with it. A stage play. As one would do like Michael [Jackson]. Or when he was in the group Jackson 5. Or like the group, The Temptations. Within their song, there will be a story, but also the beauty of dance as well. That’s the beauty of performing arts – one is able to show the dancing with the singing. It takes some work. It’s not too difficult for those that are gifted in that field. A gift is never difficult to show. As an individual, I’ve experienced the good fruits of knowing that I delivered to perfection. I pretty much just flow within a realm of it being successful and good. And at the end result, I was privileged. I was honored and happy to see that, ‘Hey, it actually turned more better than I thought. A lot better.'”

Excerpt may be edited for clarity.