August 1st means that six months have passed since I began, what I will now officially title, Hello Stranger.

During this period, I have been immensely grateful for the 25 (and counting!) kind strangers who have lent me their time and their stories for this project. While time-consuming, the project is truly rewarding. I have had the privilege to speak to a variety of people I most likely would not have met otherwise and listen to their experiences. How amazing is that? I still find myself struggling with how to create an “interesting” or “good” portrait on the spot, but that is simply part of the learning process. This project is still first and foremost a way to improve my photography and communication skills.

That said, to further challenge myself, I am going to push for two Strangers a week! This means one on Sunday and one on Thursday. I am a little apprehensive, as I did find the once-a-week post rather comfortable. However, I believe that the more frequent posts will encourage greater growth.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and continues to read the stories of people I’ve met. I hope you have enjoyed the different perspectives so far.