Heralded as the biggest showing of desert flowers in a decade, news of Death Valley’s super bloom was enough to convince Jay and I to drive four and a half hours out of Los Angeles.

Desert Gold

For a place known for extreme weather – including the hottest temperature recorded on Earth – the burst of flora is surprising. Yet I remembered talking to a biker from a previous photo series and how much he enjoyed seeing the wildflowers every year. This time, I decided to check them out for myself during a brief weekend excursion.

Pebble Pincushion

Popcorn Flower

Desert Star

Gravel Ghost

Brown-Eyed Evening Primrose

Golden Desert Snapdragon

Desert Five-spot

Caltha-leaf Phacelia

I don’t typically shoot macro shots, and I certainly did not bring the appropriate lens to shoot flowers closely – but it was delightful to see how many flowers we could find and document. The diversity was remarkable and served as incredible reminders of how life can find a way to survive in the most arid conditions.